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The Benefits Of Using An Expert Medical Animation Studio
The modern medical landscape is continuously evolving, making effective communication more important than ever. Being clear and concise with messaging is essential if you’re describing intricate drug mechanisms or complex surgical operations — or educating patients about their health conditions. This is where the expertise of a professional medical animation studio like Sliced Bread Animation [...]
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What To Expect When Working On A VR Project With Sliced Bread
Read more on what you can expect when working on a VR project with us.
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Why Your New Treatment Needs Scientific Storytelling Via Medical Animation
Animated medical explainer videos Every day, researchers in the healthcare field are hard at work creating new treatments for all sorts of medical ailments. Once these treatments are approved for widespread usage, another important piece of the puzzle appears: How do you explain these complex procedures in a way that makes them easy to understand [...]
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Enhancing Healthcare With Medical Animation & VR: From Drug Mechanisms to Surgical Training
Medical animation can serve several important purposes in the healthcare field. It can show how a drug functions inside the body, what happens during surgery or an imaging study, how diseases form, and how to perform self-care after surgery. Using medical animation provides some crucial benefits, including demonstrating pharmaceutical efficacy and explaining potentially gruesome procedures [...]
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How Immersive VR Enhances Learning And Memory Retention
Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful tool in education, revolutionising the way we learn and retain information. By immersing users in realistic and interactive environments, VR offers unparalleled opportunities and a unique learning experience that engages multiple senses and enhances learning and memory retention. From STEM education to medical training and cultural exploration, VR has [...]
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Bringing Metahumans To Life An R&D Project: AI And Unreal Engine Transform Game NPCs
The objective of the project was to make Unreal Engine's Metahuman characters respond and act using AI, including language models. This would create AI-driven non-player characters (NPCs) in games or characters in 3D applications, including augmented and virtual reality, who can offer new interactions each time they're spoken to. These characters were equipped with specific [...]
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The Long Term Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos
Here at Sliced Bread we’ve gone over the benefits of explainer animations many times, posting deep dives about the cost benefits, the engagement and emotional benefits extensively. However we’ve only ever touched upon the long term benefits of creating animated explainer videos in other blog posts. This blog post will look deeper into the longevity [...]
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How Gantt Charts Optimise The Production Process
When it comes to project managing, Gantt charts form the backbone of our production process. On the surface it's easy to assume a Gantt chart is just a way to visualise a schedule. However, some of you may not even know what a Gantt chart is. So let's look at what Gantt charts are, why [...]
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Construction & Engineering Communication Projects
We make it our mission to transform our clients’ requirements into compelling stories that captivate and engage target audiences. We partner with clients such as Network Rail, Hitachi Rail, Costain, Airbus, and MTR to help them visualise their messages. We have an extensive history and understanding of immersive animation processes. We know how important it [...]
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Advanced Medical Training – Information, Animation, & Educating Healthcare Professionals
The pursuit of knowledge is a long and winding road – and is there any road longer, or more winding, than the journey to becoming a professional healthcare practitioner? These are the workers – the doctors, nurses, technicians, analysts, first-responders, psychologists, social carers, and patient liaisons – doing such incredible and valuable work throughout our [...]
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Surgical Simulation & the Future of Medical Communication
Since its introduction, surgical simulation has become a central component of the way doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals learn and ply their craft. But let’s begin by establishing a definition, as surgical simulation can cover a wide range of technologies and tools: encompassing everything from physical models of the human body for students to train [...]
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2D Animation Explainers For Healthcare
We have produced a number 2D animation explainers for the healthcare and medical sector which helps explain complicated treatment processes within the body. Whilst 3D animation is still the ‘star of the game’ in delivering beautiful and captivating imagery that is highly explanatory and helpful in gaining understanding about the inner workings of healthcare treatment, [...]
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What Is SCORM And Why Is It So Important In E-Learning?
As the e-learning industry continues to grow, there is a broader range of authoring tools and learning management systems for e-learning content creators to choose from and more courses for students to invest in themselves. This can only be a good thing, right? In essence, yes. More choice means companies creating e-learning courses and modules [...]
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How Gaming Is Helping Children With Learning Difficulties
Studies looking at the neurodiverse effects of video gaming found that purpose-designed game learning could be used as a treatment for children with learning difficulties. Researchers discovered that video games increase attention, reduce hyperactivity and nullify impulsivity - symptoms that are commonly associated with conditions such as autism and ADHD. Neurological conditions not only impede [...]
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Improving Information Retention: The Importance of an Animated Explainer Video
Gone are the days of cumbersomely explaining concepts via long-winded emails, or worse, in a hastily thrown-together PowerPoint presentation. The digital world has moved on in leaps and bounds, and with it, we possess a far more sophisticated and potent method of messaging at our fingertips. In this day and age, with the aid of [...]
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Using Gamification In Interactive E-learning
Gamification is a visually engaging and creative tool used in e-learning that enables you to introduce new employees to your company training program. It can also be used for ongoing training and making your internal comms more engaging. With hybrid models likely to become the standard for the vast majority of businesses in the post-pandemic [...]
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Haptic VR – Car Engine Assembly Production
With several years of commercial e-learning projects designed and developed for virtual reality devices, Sliced Bread Animation has taken a look to further build on this knowledge-base by adding haptic and force feedback aspects to e-learning experiences. In relation to the technology world, haptic feedback encapsulates every device that provides a sensation of digital touch. [...]
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How To Be Creative!
Many people believe that creativity is a special gift, only granted to a few geniuses out there. A widely held belief still is that the ordinary person can’t possibly come up with something original or new, as they simply don’t have a special talent like drawing skills, artistic understanding or poetic expression to name a [...]
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Healthcare & Pharma Communication Projects
We make it our mission to transform our clients’ requirements into immersive 3D medical animation that captivate and engages your target audiences. We partner with clients such as Merck, Novartis, Takeda, GSK, and the NHS to help them visualise their messages. We have an extensive history and understanding of healthcare industry. We know how important [...]
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FMCG Marketing & Communication Projects
We make it our mission to transform our clients’ requirements into compelling stories that captivate and engage target audiences. We partner with clients such as Reckitt, Unilever, Danone, Nestlé, and Coca-Cola to help them visualise their messages. We have an extensive history and understanding of immersive animation processes. We know how important it is to [...]
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How VR And AR Is Transforming The Construction Industry
Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) are opening doorways to the construction industry and enabling architects to take building designs to the next level. Economists estimate the latest VR technologies will lower construction costs by around 90% and could save the industry up to $15.8 billion that is typically lost due [...]
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How can eye movement bring your character animation to life?
It’s a great advancement of our times that nearly anyone with a designer's eye and some feel for motion graphics can now get their hands on animation software without the need to be able to draw properly … but, what is the secret of really breathing life into your character? Knowing how a character needs [...]
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Using Game Engines To Create Synthetic Data
The evolution of deep learning models has seen significant advancements in recent years. With the adoption of game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine, animation teams can support data scientists by generating insightful visualisation from synthetic data. Animation is becoming increasingly popular in a business environment. Even in a standard format, animated visuals such [...]
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Real-Life Examples Of How Businesses Are Adopting VR Technology
Real-Life Examples Of How Businesses Are Adopting VR Technology It doesn’t seem all that long ago since businesses made the transition to digital technology. Yet the next phase of the technological revolution in the workplace is already picking up pace rapidly; virtual reality (VR) simulators. VR technology has been slow to break into the commercial [...]
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Learn Maths Online – A Berry Good Game To Play!
Lockdown changed the world in which we live. Social distancing and isolating at home also meant for many of us, combining home-working with home-schooling. This was a real challenge for us here at Sliced Bread, as the first few weeks of lockdown was filled with frantic activity completing projects, with our team spread out over [...]
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What To Expect When Working On A Project With Sliced Bread
If you’ve never worked with an animation studio before you would be forgiven for being a little unsure about what the animation process is, and how it all works. Do you want to know exactly what to expect if you work on an animation project with Sliced Bread Animation?
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Creating Gamification For Digital Learning
Gamification changes the way employees interact and engage with their work and their co-workers. Because gamification makes learning interactive, the mechanics improves employee engagement and inspires collaboration by encouraging co-workers to interact and share. The essence of gamification is a rewards system. It works by eroding users with in-game feedback and proactive messages. featuring the [...]
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The Importance Of Video Game Narrative
Stories are integral to, if not the very definition of the human experience, learning, and culture. It is said that human beings have evolved to understand their existence in terms of the structure within spoken or written accounts of connected events, with narrative being the mechanism through which we have come to construct reality and [...]
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5 Tips To Quickly Creating Animation
The 3D animation industry is becoming increasingly popular and firms are crying out for skilled animators. There are numerous opportunities for outsourcing, employment, revenue generation, and business growth. However, in order to make a career or an animation project profitable, animators have to be skilled in creating high-quality animation fast. Respectable animators should aim for [...]
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How to host a Unity project for browser support
It is said that creating and developing a game takes a whole village, but getting your game in front of players does not have to be an equally arduous task. There are a number of options for self publishing games with Unity3D. Getting player feedback as quickly as possible is vital for the game iteration [...]
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Meet our Creative Director, and Co-Founder, Christina
Christina came to the UK from Austria to study animation at Bristol University where her talent was spotted by Aardman Animations. She worked on a number of Aardman projects including ‘Morph’ and ‘Rex the Runt’ and was an animator on the internationally successful “Chicken Run”. A few years later, in 2002, Christina set-up Sliced Bread [...]
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User Onboarding in VR
Imagine opening your eyes to find yourself behind the controls of an aircraft, with no clue as to what any of the lights, buttons, and switches mean or do. Yet there they are, blinking, waiting to respond to your inputs even though you do not know what is expected of you. Now imagine another scenario [...]
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