Gamification For Learning

What can Sliced Bread Animation do for you?

Gamification in learning and development is being used increasingly across corporate sectors, and is proving to play a significant role in the engagement of employees and the productivity of businesses.

Discover how Sliced Bread Animation can assist you in building a transformative gamification programme.

What Is Gamification?

Gamification brings concepts of video games and game mechanics into corporate learning and development. It is an emotional, active learning strategy that uses rewards and competition to provide fun and educational training and development experiences.

In addition to its more recent use for things like onboarding and online classes, gamification techniques have also been used in the marketing world for several years. Game-based learning has only become more common in the last decade, and companies not yet taking advantage may be missing significant user engagement opportunities.

The sense of community and collaboration that gamification systems can bring into the world of business can be extremely beneficial for those who rely heavily on training for optimal output. Taking non-game contexts and transforming them into something interactive is a modern and healthy way to encourage extrinsic motivation, competition and loyalty in the company.

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The Danone logo
The Nestle logo
The Royal Mail logo
The Takeda logo

Key Benefits of Gamification in Business

Elearning has been shown to be a true productivity breakthrough, and with a gamification strategy crafted with user-centred design, companies can provide an education for their employees that is of genuine business value. Key benefits of using gamified elements in business learning can include:

  • Increased engagement
  • Increased motivation
  • Increased loyalty
  • Improved retention of information
  • Improvement of key individual skills
  • Better and more valuable learning experiences
  • Streamlined and optimised onboarding and general training processes

If you’re interested in adding this form of cyberlearning to your strategy as a way of boosting employee engagement and enhancing in-house knowledge, our experts can provide more bespoke information as well as gamification examples. Talk to our team about starting transformative gamification work today, or visit our LinkedIn to keep up to date with industry related content.

The Importance of Gamification in Learning

The gamification industry is transforming the ways in which we can engage people and encourage them to learn, or simply interact. Using awards systems and in-game feedback, the player-centred design of typical game elements can spike interest in collaboration and facilitate a motivation surge – be it in the classroom, the workplace or any learning environment.

Gamification can also support the longevity of your online courses and training programmes. With a software’s ability to capture a user’s attention via its format rather than the specific information being shared, experiences with gamified learning promise to be more cost-effective, more valuable and more efficient.

Examples of Gamification in Learning and Development

The concept of gamification in learning and development can be applied and well received across multiple sectors, from education to eCommerce to healthcare. Explore some of our example projects to gain a better insight into how you could improve training, staff retention and more in your sector.

Home screen on the Biffa Waste Munchers game. The name is written on a brick wall in graffiti style, bellow it are two buttons: "Play game" in yellow and "Instructions" in blue. The waste bin character heads are seen at the bottom

Teaching Waste Management

A fantastic example of how gamification can be used to teach otherwise dull subjects is this game we made with Biffa.

In this article, we discuss how we set about creating a game that integrates gamification and storytelling to excite and engage players while teaching them correct waste management and what rubbish goes in what bin.

Read Case Study

Still from the Diabetes Voyager VR game showing a splatter against the players vision, with graphics showing the player game information

Medical VR Game for Diabetes

Engaging corporate audiences in the medical sector can be a challenge, but with virtual reality and gamification, anything is possible.

This example project explains how our teams worked alongside an award winning digital healthcare agency, creating a unique VR game concept to promote learning around a complex health concern.

Read Case Study

Still of a player dancing in the CocaCola game

Gamification for Coca-Cola

Games aren’t always just for learning! Discover some interesting gamification applications for marketing strategies.

In this project story, we explore how we built a complete online dance game for Coca-Cola within Facebook using gamification mechanics, for use in 11 localised language locations.

Read Case Study

How Gamification Influences People on an Emotional Level

Gamification statistics have shown that information processed via digital games is more easily retained than typical verbal or written training tools. As with virtual reality, gamified information is processed quicker by our brains and connects us emotionally to the content. This is partly due to it being visual, but the storytelling aspect of games in learning also plays an equally important role here.

A game for learners will typically include elements such as players, obstacles, special skills, rewards points and leaderboards – and within that, there is usually a storyline to follow. Users are quickly engaged by the variety of different content types that become available, and will also become emotionally connected to their character. This again drives motivation and enhances the experience of the training by bringing in real performance monitoring concepts that are instantly connected to the character, and therefore the user.

At Sliced Bread Animation, we design gamification elements in such a way that they are bespoke to the unique requirements of your staff, students or customers. Keeping in mind the key fundamentals of user experience, informational content structure and storytelling, we ensure each product keeps its users consistently satisfied in the completion of their learning and motivated to continue.

Why Use Sliced Bread Animation for Your Gamification Project

With a decade of experience creating exciting gamification products for a range of clients, our experts are well placed to support your project and provide the ultimate learning experience for you and your team.

We will work collaboratively with you to establish an engaging storyline, discuss visuals and content elements to make your gamified learning product as valuable as possible. We can also help you adapt your products if ever you need to add additional modules or amend concepts.

Talk to our team today about getting started and being part of the elearning revolution!

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