Virtual Reality Training

What can Sliced Bread Animation do for you?

Virtual reality (VR) technology is quickly becoming a widely-used tool in corporate training.

Transform the way your employees learn and retain skills by providing a next-level, immersive training experience.

The Benefit of Creating VR Scenarios in Training

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to train your mind in a virtual environment? With a smart virtual reality training tool, learners can speed up the training process by applying their knowledge to real world scenarios from the very beginning. This, alongside the many adaptable elements of virtual reality technology, makes it the next must-have software for any employee training programme.

  • Create real-life situations without the risk
  • Limitless virtual world scenarios for use across multiple sectors of your business
  • Teach soft skills and manage performance
  • Attract and retain more staff
  • Enable easier remote training

How Virtual Reality Training Supports Decision Making

What is it that makes virtual reality training such an effective way to engage people? Well, not only is VR a more exciting way to learn, but technologies such as this can actually encourage a rewiring of our brains as we take on new information, helping us to retain it more effectively.

Since our brains believe that VR simulations are real-life scenarios, we are able to experience genuine emotional reactions to the events we see through the headset. With emotions in play, we then become able to recall the events with much greater ease, which means we can then apply learnings from the situation later down the line.

When it comes to real-life decision making, suddenly knowing how to act almost becomes second nature. Due to our brains having been immersed in and emotionally connected to multiple, similar virtual simulations, we are able to recall information quickly, allowing us to do the job with more accuracy and confidence.

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Virtual Reality Training in Business Scenarios

VR can be a hugely beneficial training tool for staff in multiple industry sectors. No matter what the course content or type of learning that is required, virtual reality concepts can be designed to suit it.

  • Scenario-based learning: Health and safety professionals often need to practise applying their skills in different scenarios. With VR, these situations can be created virtually and interacted with multiple times at no further cost to you.
  • Technical skills: Training with VR is a fantastic way to learn new technical skills with any degree of complexity. Niche information can be transformed into streamlined, accessible content, meaning technical skills can quickly become mandatory within your staff network.
  • Onboarding: Often a long and complex process, onboarding can become instantly more streamlined using VR technology. Provide information on different locations through virtual tours, quickly teach any HR and health and safety processes and so much more. Your new staff will have the knowledge they need to dive straight into work.
  • Simulation: VR can transform any situation into an interactive learning experience. Simulations can be particularly useful in areas such as healthcare and construction where visual aids are vital.

The Future of Virtual Reality in Training

There are so many benefits to VR learning, and at Sliced Bread Animation, we’re proud to be playing a significant part in the move towards a more dynamic future in corporate training.

Young minds are becoming increasingly difficult to engage with, let alone impress. With a world of entertainment and interactivity at their fingertips, businesses have to put additional measures in place if they hope to attract a new generation of talent. With virtual reality training, learning not only becomes faster, but more accessible and relatable.

With a VR programme, companies can transform safety messages, details of operational procedures and more into something that is unique and easily digestible. No longer will employees have to study reams of written content as part of their onboarding or new skills training. Allow them to access better learning opportunities by exploring virtual realities, designed by us specifically for your business needs.

Practical Solutions for Virtual Reality in Training

At Sliced Bread Animation, we help companies save time, cut costs and provide better learning experiences for their employees. With virtual reality simulators, you can transform your training environment into an immersive space for the learning and development of new skills. Discover some of our latest successes with virtual reality training solutions:

A VR office environment with a graphic of a 'fire triangle' symbol in the centre

Employee Training with VR

A typical classroom setting is no place for learning at a corporate level. For next-generation safety training that will have a lasting, positive impact on your employees, VR is the way to go.

In the example project, we partnered with Knights Agency to create 8 interactive modules that take users through simulated workplace settings.

Read Case Study

Heart valve in VR with graphic overlays displaying LV systolic pressure, aortic jet velocity and wall thickness, with the Oculus logo in the top left corner

Medical Training with VR

The potential benefits of virtual reality practice scenarios in the healthcare sector are second to none. Professionals can develop their understanding of conditions and treatment procedures with HD, 360 degree vision.

In this example project, we designed a fully immersive, multisensory virtual reality experience, set within the hearts of aortic stenosis patients.

Read Case Study

VR Training & Data

What about the future for individual businesses? If VR training schemes are implemented now, what does this mean for learning and development teams later down the line?

Well, one of the other useful things about VR technology is the availability of real-time learner analytics. Once training is underway, teams monitoring the effectiveness of each course or module can easily view all of the data they would need in order to continuously improve the content and execution of each training scheme. One again, this supports the longevity argument for virtual reality training. Each product can be analysed over time and improved year-on-year, giving businesses the opportunity to provide the most effective and time-saving training possible.

Many VR solutions offer the following data:

  • Usage statistics: This includes information about frequency of training, training duration and completion rates
  • Performance data: How each user of the VR training performed, including which tasks they completed, which questions they answered correctly etc
  • Engagement levels: How each user responded to the stimulus, usually measured with eye tracking and head movement analysis

Why Choose Sliced Bread Animation for Virtual Reality Training?

Having worked on next-level VR solutions since 2014, Sliced Bread Animation can provide all the tools you need to transform your training programmes.

We’ll work with you to design an accurate VR space incorporating all the information each training segment needs, and ensuring that the software can be adapted for any new training schemes you might bring to your business.

Incorporating VR training into your offering is certainly an investment, but with our changing world and need for more streamlined solutions to employee engagement, it is no doubt a smart one. To ensure ongoing success of new employees and business outputs, companies are advised to secure this initial investment sooner rather than later. Virtual reality training has the ability to save time, improve your offering and adapt with your business as you grow; it’s the future-proof solution every sector needs!

We’d love to help you communicate your messages quicker, provide a more valuable experience for your employees and enjoy a unique, versatile product that your entire staff network can benefit from. Talk to us today.

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