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The 4 Key Benefits Of Using Animation To Convey Changes In Business Communications
Communicate complex narratives in a simplified, engaging way, streamlining messaging across various teams
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Unleashing The Power Of Storytelling Through Animation
Read why animation paired with clever storytelling supports memorable communication.
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Standing Out From The Crowd: Using Characters in Corporate Communications
Corporate communications — whether internal or external — can be difficult to master, as your messaging needs to resonate with a variety of audiences. Employees and clients alike can struggle to relate to messaging that’s overloaded with statistics or jargon. That’s where the usage of characters comes in, providing a bridge for smoother corporate comms. [...]
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Animated Explainer Videos: Using Animation To Communicate ‘How’
Animated explainer videos are an excellent way of getting your point across. Especially complex topics that are not easy to explain in writing. Communication is key. We’ve already looked at how to communicate the why using animation in a previous article. This time round we’re going to look at how to use animation to communicate [...]
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Communicating Transformation And Change Using Animation
Communicate changes easily If there’s ever been a time for animation to communicate company messages, it's now. Animation can help companies communicate changes easier, increase engagement, soften negative responses to wholesale changes, and alleviate fears your employees have post-pandemic. Disruptive technologies have been turning the screw on the need for digital transformation in the corporate [...]
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Why Are Animated Explainer Videos So Effective?
Video content now makes up a huge part of what it means to be online, and more than even before, businesses are finding new ways to interact with new audiences through video production. With social media platforms like TikTok encouraging such a rapid turnover of video content, it’s not surprising that companies are quickly slotting [...]
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Improving Information Retention: The Importance of an Animated Explainer Video
Gone are the days of cumbersomely explaining concepts via long-winded emails, or worse, in a hastily thrown-together PowerPoint presentation. The digital world has moved on in leaps and bounds, and with it, we possess a far more sophisticated and potent method of messaging at our fingertips. In this day and age, with the aid of [...]
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Why Branded NFTs Are Here To Stay
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) became mainstream this year. The furore around the top-performing NFTs has captured the public imagination. Many of these unique tokens are already collector’s items. The NFT marketplace took off with the introduction of 10,000 software-generated “CryptoPunks” which netted the creators of the punk-style characters over $1 billion. Since then NFT collectables have exploded. [...]
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How To Be Creative!
Many people believe that creativity is a special gift, only granted to a few geniuses out there. A widely held belief still is that the ordinary person can’t possibly come up with something original or new, as they simply don’t have a special talent like drawing skills, artistic understanding or poetic expression to name a [...]
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Why Corporate Animation Should Be No Longer Than 90 Seconds
Animated explain videos are an effective medium for corporate videos. The majority of people prefer to watch a video than read manuals and FAQs. Videos also make sense from a time management perspective. We’ve previously discussed how animated videos can help to make your internal comms more interesting. However, we’ve noticed the scripts for explainer videos [...]
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How To Grab Attention Through Emotional Storytelling
Good story-telling has a narrative power that grabs the attention of your audience - and holds it! Research by the Statistic Brain Research Institute indicates you have approximately 8.25 seconds to pull your audience in. If you’re a marketer, you know that engaging your target audience is easier said than done! Think about your own [...]
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How To Create a PDF Certificate in Articulate Storyline
This is a tutorial to help support the output of a PDF certificate using Articulate Storyline. Articulate 360 is a holistic suite of interconnected applications for one’s e-learning needs. From authoring, to sourcing assets, to training and collaborating. These apps include Storyline, Studio and Content Library 360. This tutorial will be focusing on Storyline, but [...]
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How To Create Compelling And Addictive Digital Learning Content
Let’s not disguise the fact: e-learning content can be about exciting as a rice cracker. You may be wondering, therefore, how we have the audacity to make the bold claim advertised in the title of this article. Truth be told, we have a few tricks up our sleeves that might interest you. It appears the biggest barrier [...]
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Employees Crave Technology To Keep Them Engaged In The Workplace
It is estimated that 75% of the UK workforce will be millennials and Gen Z by 2025. These tech-centric age groups are already changing the way we work, and place unprecedented demands on employers. Whilst the media portray millennials as the most problematic generation for employers, that is not necessarily the case. A report published by PwC suggests [...]
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What To Expect When Working On A Project With Sliced Bread
If you’ve never worked with an animation studio before you would be forgiven for being a little unsure about what the animation process is, and how it all works. Do you want to know exactly what to expect if you work on an animation project with Sliced Bread Animation?
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5 Tips To Quickly Creating Animation
The 3D animation industry is becoming increasingly popular and firms are crying out for skilled animators. There are numerous opportunities for outsourcing, employment, revenue generation, and business growth. However, in order to make a career or an animation project profitable, animators have to be skilled in creating high-quality animation fast. Respectable animators should aim for [...]
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Is Virtual Reality Helping People With Disabilities Transform Their Lives?
Virtual Reality has the potential to enhance the lives of individuals in recovery, take house-bound patients on adventures they cannot physically experience, enable people with disabilities to perform activities that would otherwise be unsafe and help people with certain impairments learn new skills. Numerous scientific investigations around the world are waking people up to the [...]
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Why Do Personas Help With Application Builds
Creating Personas Saves You Time, Money and Headaches A lot of money goes down the drain during the product development process. Yet more cash is splashed and wasted on marketing a product that was never right for your audience in the first place. Brands are then faced with entering the design process and product development [...]
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Delight Employees On Their First Day With Gamification And Animation
Everybody knows the first day of a new job sucks. This has been a fact of life for as long as anyone can remember. The only real surprise is that more companies haven’t done anything to improve the onboarding process before now. In their book, ‘The Power of Moments’ Dan and Chip Heath describe an [...]
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Examples of User Interface Animation
"Focus on the user and all else will follow.” ~ Google How many times have you been left frustrated trying to find a product you want on a website, or even more commonly, trying to purchase something online? Every interaction a brand has with a consumer has to be meaningful and offer value. To engage [...]
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