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The 4 Key Benefits Of Using Animation To Convey Changes In Business Communications
Communicate complex narratives in a simplified, engaging way, streamlining messaging across various teams
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Unleashing The Power Of Storytelling Through Animation
Read why animation paired with clever storytelling supports memorable communication.
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Moments Of Delight – Using Animation To Personalise Corporate Messages
The engagement problem with corporate communications? Sliced Bread Animation creates, amongst a number of other competencies, animated explainer videos for corporate communications. For these, we’ve followed a lot of scripts that were supplied by either the clients themselves, or in cooperation with a PR or strategy agencies (who usually provide consultancy on the psychology of [...]
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The Power Of The Animated Explainer Video: Why 80% Of People Learn Best Through Visuals
If you want people to comprehend and accurately recall information, the best option is usually to use visuals to illustrate your point. And, yes, we’re well aware of the irony in communicating this concept using a text-based blog post! Visual storytelling — used in our bespoke animated explainer videos and other forms of visual media [...]
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Standing Out From The Crowd: Using Characters in Corporate Communications
Corporate communications — whether internal or external — can be difficult to master, as your messaging needs to resonate with a variety of audiences. Employees and clients alike can struggle to relate to messaging that’s overloaded with statistics or jargon. That’s where the usage of characters comes in, providing a bridge for smoother corporate comms. [...]
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Has The Power Of The Whiteboard Animation Gone? Or Does It Remain The Ultimate Tool For Corporate Communication?
If you're considering whiteboard animation for your corporate communication campaigns, it's natural to wonder about its effectiveness in today's media landscape. While it's true that whiteboard animations might not have the same flashy appeal as some other types like 3D animation or animated AR or VR experiences, it is still an highly effective communication tool [...]
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Create Exciting Leadership Training Programs With An Immersive AR App
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, effective leadership is more crucial than ever. Leadership training programs play a vital role in developing the skills and competencies of current and future leaders. One of the latest advancements in training technology, Augmented Reality (AR), has revolutionised the way leadership training is delivered. By incorporating AR apps [...]
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The Long Term Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos
Here at Sliced Bread we’ve gone over the benefits of explainer animations many times, posting deep dives about the cost benefits, the engagement and emotional benefits extensively. However we’ve only ever touched upon the long term benefits of creating animated explainer videos in other blog posts. This blog post will look deeper into the longevity [...]
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How Gantt Charts Optimise The Production Process
When it comes to project managing, Gantt charts form the backbone of our production process. On the surface it's easy to assume a Gantt chart is just a way to visualise a schedule. However, some of you may not even know what a Gantt chart is. So let's look at what Gantt charts are, why [...]
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Animated Explainer Videos: Using Animation To Communicate ‘How’
Animated explainer videos are an excellent way of getting your point across. Especially complex topics that are not easy to explain in writing. Communication is key. We’ve already looked at how to communicate the why using animation in a previous article. This time round we’re going to look at how to use animation to communicate [...]
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Advanced Medical Training – Information, Animation, & Educating Healthcare Professionals
The pursuit of knowledge is a long and winding road – and is there any road longer, or more winding, than the journey to becoming a professional healthcare practitioner? These are the workers – the doctors, nurses, technicians, analysts, first-responders, psychologists, social carers, and patient liaisons – doing such incredible and valuable work throughout our [...]
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Communicating Transformation And Change Using Animation
Communicate changes easily If there’s ever been a time for animation to communicate company messages, it's now. Animation can help companies communicate changes easier, increase engagement, soften negative responses to wholesale changes, and alleviate fears your employees have post-pandemic. Disruptive technologies have been turning the screw on the need for digital transformation in the corporate [...]
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Surgical Simulation & the Future of Medical Communication
Since its introduction, surgical simulation has become a central component of the way doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals learn and ply their craft. But let’s begin by establishing a definition, as surgical simulation can cover a wide range of technologies and tools: encompassing everything from physical models of the human body for students to train [...]
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2D Animation Explainers For Healthcare
We have produced a number 2D animation explainers for the healthcare and medical sector which helps explain complicated treatment processes within the body. Whilst 3D animation is still the ‘star of the game’ in delivering beautiful and captivating imagery that is highly explanatory and helpful in gaining understanding about the inner workings of healthcare treatment, [...]
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The Importance of Emotions In The Learning Process
Virtual reality, animation and gamification are the stand-out performers in digital learning environments. Whilst these relatively new technologies are not ubiquitously established tools across the board - yet - researchers agree that the emotional provocation they offer can significantly enhance learning. The fact of the matter is that immersive technologies make experiences feel real. This [...]
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How AR Training Tools Support Fun Informative Learning?
The adoption of augmented reality (AR) as a corporate training tool is proving to be an effective approach. AR fosters faster learning, helps to improve soft skills, optimises workflow, reduces training material, saves time and enhances engagement. AR training tools in a corporate environment can be executed via a mobile device such as a smartphone [...]
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What Skills Does An Animator Need?
With animation software becoming easily accessible for nearly everyone with a computer or smartphone at hand, everyone can have a go at creating animation. Many online courses are available to get you either started in animation or equip you with the professional knowledge to truly let your talent sparkle. With all those technical advances it [...]
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Haptic VR – Car Engine Assembly Production
With several years of commercial e-learning projects designed and developed for virtual reality devices, Sliced Bread Animation has taken a look to further build on this knowledge-base by adding haptic and force feedback aspects to e-learning experiences. In relation to the technology world, haptic feedback encapsulates every device that provides a sensation of digital touch. [...]
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How To Be Creative!
Many people believe that creativity is a special gift, only granted to a few geniuses out there. A widely held belief still is that the ordinary person can’t possibly come up with something original or new, as they simply don’t have a special talent like drawing skills, artistic understanding or poetic expression to name a [...]
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Understanding VR and Hand Tracking
What is Hand Tracking? Hand tracking has become an integral feature within recent generations of immersive technology and Virtual Reality (VR) devices. With the widespread adoption of this feature, engineers and developers are faced with a list of opportunities and challenges to tackle, most of which are related to human usage. So what is hand [...]
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How To Create Compelling And Addictive Digital Learning Content
Let’s not disguise the fact: e-learning content can be about exciting as a rice cracker. You may be wondering, therefore, how we have the audacity to make the bold claim advertised in the title of this article. Truth be told, we have a few tricks up our sleeves that might interest you. It appears the biggest barrier [...]
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Use Gamification To Train Your Staff How To Recognise Cybersecurity Threats
Animation and gamification are becoming more prevalent in business settings. Thanks to its animated visuals and engaging features, companies particularly find gamification is an effective training tool. An increase in data breaches has underscored that companies are obligated to raise awareness of cybercrime activity. Whilst it is widely believed that hackers use complex and advanced [...]
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Simple Character Animation And Eye Rig Tutorial
If you’ve read our previous blog about revealing a character’s emotions by bringing their eyes to life, you might be interested in how this quick animation was done. We’ve therefore prepared a little tutorial that you can hopefully follow easily. It introduces you to two helpful tools of mine that really speed up my animation [...]
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How can eye movement bring your character animation to life?
It’s a great advancement of our times that nearly anyone with a designer's eye and some feel for motion graphics can now get their hands on animation software without the need to be able to draw properly … but, what is the secret of really breathing life into your character? Knowing how a character needs [...]
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Realtime Rendering In Unity Tutorial
When trying to achieve realism and high definition in Unity, it is important to study lighting techniques within game engines (such as Unity & Unreal) to see how much you can push a scene and how much others have been able to achieve. Once you’ve done some research, find an image with nice lighting similar [...]
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Game-Based Storytelling Puts Your Employees At The Heart of Internal Communications
If you’re honest with yourself, the content on your internal communications platform is boring. Nobody is reading them. There could actually be a rack of reasons why your employees don’t read your intercoms but the main reason is a lack of engaging content. The problem most companies will encounter when internal communications are ignored are mistakes - and [...]
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Using Animation To Communicate “The Why”
Employees and customers are hungry for information. However, for businesses to communicate effectively, it is the core questions of what, how and why that brings clarity. Explaining the “why” with animation enforces understanding and builds trust. Moreover, people are more willing to respond in a positive way when they can comprehend the purpose behind their actions. The other challenge [...]
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A Brief History Of Animation – Part 3
Continuing on from Part 1 and Part 2. Disney v Warner Bros The Golden Age of animation began in the early 1920’s and continues today. Disney was the first to transform cartoon characters into stars with the likes of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy. The shades of Mickey Mouse first appeared in 1922 when Hugh Harman [...]
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A Brief History Of Animation – Part 2
So continuing on from Part 1, Animated pictures made significant strides in the early 20th-Century. The first animated film was a series of funny faces created with stop-motion photography. However, the foundations of animation as we know it today were laid two years later with the 1908 film, Fantasmagorie. The French artist Emile Cohl created the [...]
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A Brief History Of Animation – Part 1
Those of you old enough to remember pre-millennium animation will have noticed the rapid improvement of animated films over the last 30 years. Today, 3D animation can be rendered with such accuracy it’s difficult to distinguish animated characters from real-life actors. It’s taken animators a little over 400 years to get to accomplish such an [...]
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Using Game Engines To Create Synthetic Data
The evolution of deep learning models has seen significant advancements in recent years. With the adoption of game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine, animation teams can support data scientists by generating insightful visualisation from synthetic data. Animation is becoming increasingly popular in a business environment. Even in a standard format, animated visuals such [...]
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What To Expect When Working On A Project With Sliced Bread
If you’ve never worked with an animation studio before you would be forgiven for being a little unsure about what the animation process is, and how it all works. Do you want to know exactly what to expect if you work on an animation project with Sliced Bread Animation?
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