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The 4 Key Benefits Of Using Animation To Convey Changes In Business Communications
Communicate complex narratives in a simplified, engaging way, streamlining messaging across various teams
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Unleashing The Power Of Storytelling Through Animation
Read why animation paired with clever storytelling supports memorable communication.
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Why Your New Treatment Needs Scientific Storytelling Via Medical Animation
Animated medical explainer videos Every day, researchers in the healthcare field are hard at work creating new treatments for all sorts of medical ailments. Once these treatments are approved for widespread usage, another important piece of the puzzle appears: How do you explain these complex procedures in a way that makes them easy to understand [...]
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Moments Of Delight – Using Animation To Personalise Corporate Messages
The engagement problem with corporate communications? Sliced Bread Animation creates, amongst a number of other competencies, animated explainer videos for corporate communications. For these, we’ve followed a lot of scripts that were supplied by either the clients themselves, or in cooperation with a PR or strategy agencies (who usually provide consultancy on the psychology of [...]
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The 5 Key Benefits of Adaptive Learning and Scenario Training
Read more on why game-based learning supports improving learner outcomes.
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The Power Of The Animated Explainer Video: Why 80% Of People Learn Best Through Visuals
If you want people to comprehend and accurately recall information, the best option is usually to use visuals to illustrate your point. And, yes, we’re well aware of the irony in communicating this concept using a text-based blog post! Visual storytelling — used in our bespoke animated explainer videos and other forms of visual media [...]
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Standing Out From The Crowd: Using Characters in Corporate Communications
Corporate communications — whether internal or external — can be difficult to master, as your messaging needs to resonate with a variety of audiences. Employees and clients alike can struggle to relate to messaging that’s overloaded with statistics or jargon. That’s where the usage of characters comes in, providing a bridge for smoother corporate comms. [...]
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How to Develop E-Learning Content That Captivates and Educates With Gamification
One can attribute the popularity of e-learning to several key factors. Online learning is highly flexible regarding timing and location, and it’s accessible and affordable for a wide variety of learners. In fact, more than 75% of students say that e-learning has made them more interested in their studies. That said, the lack of in-person [...]
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How Immersive VR Enhances Learning And Memory Retention
Virtual Reality (VR) is a powerful tool in education, revolutionising the way we learn and retain information. By immersing users in realistic and interactive environments, VR offers unparalleled opportunities and a unique learning experience that engages multiple senses and enhances learning and memory retention. From STEM education to medical training and cultural exploration, VR has [...]
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Bringing Metahumans To Life An R&D Project: AI And Unreal Engine Transform Game NPCs
The objective of the project was to make Unreal Engine's Metahuman characters respond and act using AI, including language models. This would create AI-driven non-player characters (NPCs) in games or characters in 3D applications, including augmented and virtual reality, who can offer new interactions each time they're spoken to. These characters were equipped with specific [...]
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Immersive Technology – The Value of Using AR + VR at Live Events
Live events can be tiring. Long days soon become a blur and you come into contact with so many people you don’t remember who you spoke to and who you said what to. In addition, you have all the pre-event preparation and the post-event administration to take care of. And you're never sure whether you [...]
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How to Optimise Virtual Reality Training
We’ve written about VR training and its benefits on a number of occasions. Whilst we undoubtedly love what virtual reality brings to the training room table, it can be easy to lose sight of the purpose a VR training program should aim for. So in this article, we’re going to switch focus towards optimising VR [...]
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The Long Term Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos
Here at Sliced Bread we’ve gone over the benefits of explainer animations many times, posting deep dives about the cost benefits, the engagement and emotional benefits extensively. However we’ve only ever touched upon the long term benefits of creating animated explainer videos in other blog posts. This blog post will look deeper into the longevity [...]
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How We Use Unity to Create Gamified Training and Interactive E-learning
Are you curious about virtual reality training and its applications to the workplace? Is it also slightly daunting trying to look into interactive learning when it can seem like such a huge leap from even the digital e-learning you’re used to? Here at Sliced Bread Animation we’re experts in making immersive communications, from VR Culinary [...]
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How Gantt Charts Optimise The Production Process
When it comes to project managing, Gantt charts form the backbone of our production process. On the surface it's easy to assume a Gantt chart is just a way to visualise a schedule. However, some of you may not even know what a Gantt chart is. So let's look at what Gantt charts are, why [...]
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Redefining Learning: The Rise of Virtual Reality Training in the Workplace
Virtual reality training is already used in a huge variety of industries, and it has already proven to be the next step in e-learning and workplace education. However, despite its widespread use, using virtual reality (VR) for education and vr training is still something that hasn’t breached into public consciousness despite its huge potential. For [...]
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Innovative Training for Health and Safety: Exploring E-Learning Solutions
Among team leads and organisational managers, no two words manage to provoke such scoffs, jeers, or snorts of derision quite like ‘health’ and ‘safety.’ Packaged as some great prohibitive exercise in ‘can’t do this, mustn’t do that’, health and safety is much maligned throughout industries, leading many employees to nod knowingly: “everybody hates the safety [...]
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Advanced Medical Training – Information, Animation, & Educating Healthcare Professionals
The pursuit of knowledge is a long and winding road – and is there any road longer, or more winding, than the journey to becoming a professional healthcare practitioner? These are the workers – the doctors, nurses, technicians, analysts, first-responders, psychologists, social carers, and patient liaisons – doing such incredible and valuable work throughout our [...]
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Surgical Simulation & the Future of Medical Communication
Since its introduction, surgical simulation has become a central component of the way doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals learn and ply their craft. But let’s begin by establishing a definition, as surgical simulation can cover a wide range of technologies and tools: encompassing everything from physical models of the human body for students to train [...]
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2D Animation Explainers For Healthcare
We have produced a number 2D animation explainers for the healthcare and medical sector which helps explain complicated treatment processes within the body. Whilst 3D animation is still the ‘star of the game’ in delivering beautiful and captivating imagery that is highly explanatory and helpful in gaining understanding about the inner workings of healthcare treatment, [...]
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Training Tomorrow’s Doctors: Augmented Reality in Healthcare Education
As technology continues to revolutionise the healthcare industry, AR (augmented reality) has emerged as a powerful tool for medical professionals and students alike. It has proven itself to be an effective tool for training surgeons, enhancing patient care, and improving medical education. Notably, AR technology has already been used in numerous medical procedures, including spine [...]
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Why You Should Hire a Medical Animation Company For Your Next Project
Medical animation has become an essential tool for modern education and research, and its use is on the rise. With an ever-increasing demand for medical animations, it is essential to understand the importance of hiring a medical animation company for your next project. As an experienced medical animation company, Sliced Bread Animation specialises in creating [...]
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The Benefits of Augmented Reality in Pharma Education and Training
Pharmacy education and training is, for an obvious fact, crucial in ensuring that healthcare professionals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide safe and effective care to patients. However, traditional methods of teaching and learning may not always provide learners with the most engaging and immersive experiences suitable for modern medicine practices. [...]
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360 VR Workplace Training: The Ultimate Tool For Enhanced Learning
Virtual reality (VR) is no longer just for gaming and entertainment. In recent years, it has been adopted by various industries to enhance employee training and learning experiences. The benefits of VR in training are numerous, especially in the workplace; compared to lectures (5%), reading (10%), and audio-visual learning (20%), 360 VR training has a [...]
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Using Mixed Reality to Improve Medical Training
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) has in recent years opened up a whole new world of possibilities in various industry sectors, but within healthcare (specifically medical training) the benefits just seem to keep on coming. As such, Mixed Reality (MR) is quickly becoming a mainstay in the medical field, promising to revolutionise how [...]
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10 Benefits of VR in Construction Safety Training
In 2022, construction accounted for 25% of worker fatalities and the fatal injury rate almost doubled that of other industries. Suffice to say, more needs to be done to reduce risk in the construction industry - and virtual reality (VR) could be the tool to change the game entirely. With traditional methods of safety training [...]
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Optimising Pharma Communications To Create Deeper Connections
The global COVID pandemic shone a spotlight on communications within the pharma industry - and the effect was startling. Increasingly, pharma companies and services face a widening disconnect between themselves and their patients. Internal communications flag, as employees question the approach of the business that employs them. Healthcare stagnates and processes flounder as a vital [...]
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3D Medical Animation: Medical Illustration And A New Dawn In Healthcare
The ability to explain complex medical concepts via 3D medical animation signals a step up for the healthcare industry. Everything from patient engagement to student training - from 3D visualisations of surgical devices, to explaining the human body through computer graphics - stands to attain new levels of quality and effectiveness, through medical illustration and [...]
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How Augmented Reality in Pharma Changes Everything
Organisations within the pharmaceuticals industry routinely face unrelenting pressure to consistently deliver breakthrough solutions in record time. The Covid-19 pandemic and the unparalleled vaccine development turnaround from companies such as Pfizer and AstraZeneca has only amplified this already unyielding supply and demand dynamic. There is no denying that technologies such as IoT and AI played [...]
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The Importance Of VR Health And Safety Training Animations
According to self-report data from the Labour Force Survey, 565,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury at work in 2021/22. Whether caused by slips and trips, handling and carrying, or being struck by a moving object, the workplace is one of the most common places for an accident to happen. While there are many variations of [...]
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Pharmaceutical Animation – Scientific Storytelling Through Video
There’s no escaping the fact - biotech is a complex world. Pharmacology encompasses myriad, often-complicated topics and processes, and forward-facing pharmaceutical companies need many strings to their bow. At any given time, the onus may be on pharma companies to provide elements such as: MOA (mechanism of action) demonstrations, novel healthcare research, doctor and nurse [...]
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How Gamification Can Benefit Your Workplace
“A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy. In other words, gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression.” - Jane McGonigal, author, researcher, designer By now, gamification has to be the corporate world’s worst-kept secret. As a tool for [...]
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