How to Optimise Virtual Reality Training

We’ve written about VR training and its benefits on a number of occasions. Whilst we undoubtedly love what virtual reality brings to the training room table, it can be easy to lose sight of the purpose a VR training program should aim for.

So in this article, we’re going to switch focus towards optimising VR training by examining how trainers can utilise VR in ways that produce the best benefits for your business.

What do we know about VR Training, Gamification and Interactive E-Learning?

If you’re not already aware of the benefits VR technologies offer a training program, we will give a brief explanation now. However, if you want to take a deep dive into the science of gamification check out our previous blog post.

VR enables content developers to create realistic virtual environments that closely resemble the actual work or learning environment. This enhances the transfer of skills from virtual to real-world scenarios and promotes life-like interaction.

Interactivity encourages the learner to engage with VR training content with higher degrees of concentration and intensity. Immersing trainees in replica settings helps them to acclimatise to their surroundings once they are in the work environment, speeds up the learning process and also increases memory recall.

Studies also show that incorporating gamification in interactive e-learning delivers higher rates of engagement which translates into higher levels of retention.

How to Create Effective Virtual Reality Training?

The benefits of virtual reality training are clear. However, to achieve the desired goals, your VR Training package has to meet certain standards in order to reap the rewards.

So how can we apply this knowledge to create the most effective training possible? These are the key elements.

What do Trainees need?

A VR training program should be designed with the end users in mind. Consider the primary goals, skill levels, preferences, and learning needs of the average trainee.

Realistic and Immersive

Incorporating interactive elements actively engages users. Allow participants to manipulate objects, perform tasks, and make decisions within the VR environment.

We appreciate that some jobs are difficult to make exciting and engaging, But that is where applying gamification elements pays dividends. Trainees can earn rewards, points, or badges, to make the training more enjoyable and motivating.

For example, nobody really wants to attend regular fire safety training using traditional training methods. In a virtual reality fire safety training simulation, you can actually create a fire. You can guarantee that trainees will sit up and take notice then!

Rewards and Feedback

Finally, consider the type of feedback learners need. Do they need immediate prompts when they get something wrong or show signs of uncertainty (i.e. a delay in answering) or will feedback be left until the end?

VR training programs enable you to integrate a learning management system which allows managers to provide feedback during or after the training. You can also use multiple senses by incorporating audio, haptic or text-based feedback.

We also recommend implementing “adaptive learning paths” based on user performance. This ensures that difficulty levels can be adjusted according to the user’s progression.

A construction worker viewing images of construction sites through VR

Good examples of VR Training

VR training is used extensively in medical training to simulate surgeries, patient interactions, and diagnostic procedures. These programs provide immersive simulations for medical professionals to practise and refine their practical skills and bedside manner.

Construction health and safety training can be hard to deliver through traditional classroom-based teaching. VR not only mimics the real environment, it also mitigates the risks construction sites present giving trainees a safe environment to operate in until they are ready to hit the heights of a construction site.

Manufacturing companies are increasingly using VR for assembly line training. Workers can practise assembling complex components in a virtual environment, allowing them to learn and refine their skills before working with actual equipment.

VR training is also pulling its weight in the transportation industry. Trucking companies, for instance, employ VR simulations to train drivers in various road and weather conditions, improving safety and reducing the risk of accidents.

Even the Culinary Arts are getting a taste of virtual reality training by helping aspiring chefs and caterers to learn how to cook without having to invest in the cost of real ingredients, and the removal of food waste.

Contact us to start this process

Virtual reality training and interactive e-learning is the way forward for businesses across multiple industries. Providing you get the immersive, interactive and feedback elements right, VR training is the most effective training.

Get in touch and tell us about your VR training project.

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