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The 4 Key Benefits Of Using AR in Construction Site Onboarding
New hire onboarding is a vitally important process in any industry. This is especially true in construction, where your employees will face potentially dangerous situations and use highly expensive equipment on a daily basis. In general, the onboarding process starts with an orientation session, in which you tell your new hires some background information on [...]
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The 5 Key Benefits of Adaptive Learning and Scenario Training
Read more on why game-based learning supports improving learner outcomes.
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Why Are Animated Explainer Videos So Effective?
Video content now makes up a huge part of what it means to be online, and more than even before, businesses are finding new ways to interact with new audiences through video production. With social media platforms like TikTok encouraging such a rapid turnover of video content, it’s not surprising that companies are quickly slotting [...]
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What Is SCORM And Why Is It So Important In E-Learning?
As the e-learning industry continues to grow, there is a broader range of authoring tools and learning management systems for e-learning content creators to choose from and more courses for students to invest in themselves. This can only be a good thing, right? In essence, yes. More choice means companies creating e-learning courses and modules [...]
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Oculus Developer Mode Set Up Guide
Here at Sliced Bread Animation, we’ve worked on a range of different immersive VR experiences, from venturing inside the human heart to fire safety training in the workplace. In order to create these experiences, we need to use what's called the ‘Developer Mode’ on the oculus headset. The developer mode allows us to ‘sideload’ our [...]
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Why Branded NFTs Are Here To Stay
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) became mainstream this year. The furore around the top-performing NFTs has captured the public imagination. Many of these unique tokens are already collector’s items. The NFT marketplace took off with the introduction of 10,000 software-generated “CryptoPunks” which netted the creators of the punk-style characters over $1 billion. Since then NFT collectables have exploded. [...]
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The Importance of Emotions In The Learning Process
Virtual reality, animation and gamification are the stand-out performers in digital learning environments. Whilst these relatively new technologies are not ubiquitously established tools across the board - yet - researchers agree that the emotional provocation they offer can significantly enhance learning. The fact of the matter is that immersive technologies make experiences feel real. This [...]
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Using Gamification In Interactive E-learning
Gamification is a visually engaging and creative tool used in e-learning that enables you to introduce new employees to your company training program. It can also be used for ongoing training and making your internal comms more engaging. With hybrid models likely to become the standard for the vast majority of businesses in the post-pandemic [...]
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Scenario Based E-Learning Is An Efficient And Engaging Way To Learn
The global drive for workplace efficiency has placed new demands on businesses and employees. Whilst firms expect individuals to deliver a high-quality performance, employees expect on-the-job e-learning programs that enable them to develop quickly. New-generation technologies have played a part in this paradigm shift. Researchers at Warwick University found that Virtual Reality (VR) simulations are [...]
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Understanding VR and Hand Tracking
What is Hand Tracking? Hand tracking has become an integral feature within recent generations of immersive technology and Virtual Reality (VR) devices. With the widespread adoption of this feature, engineers and developers are faced with a list of opportunities and challenges to tackle, most of which are related to human usage. So what is hand [...]
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Use Gamification To Train Your Staff How To Recognise Cybersecurity Threats
Animation and gamification are becoming more prevalent in business settings. Thanks to its animated visuals and engaging features, companies particularly find gamification is an effective training tool. An increase in data breaches has underscored that companies are obligated to raise awareness of cybercrime activity. Whilst it is widely believed that hackers use complex and advanced [...]
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Simple Character Animation And Eye Rig Tutorial
If you’ve read our previous blog about revealing a character’s emotions by bringing their eyes to life, you might be interested in how this quick animation was done. We’ve therefore prepared a little tutorial that you can hopefully follow easily. It introduces you to two helpful tools of mine that really speed up my animation [...]
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Struggling To Create High Volume E-learning Content? Animation Can Help!
Animation is becoming increasingly widespread in online learning. The benefits of animation in eLearning environments is well documented; animated content is fun, engaging, motivational and enhances memory recall. With Covid-19 forcing school children and university students to study from home, teachers are finding it difficult to keep on top of the amount of content they need [...]
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Using Animation To Communicate “The Why”
Employees and customers are hungry for information. However, for businesses to communicate effectively, it is the core questions of what, how and why that brings clarity. Explaining the “why” with animation enforces understanding and builds trust. Moreover, people are more willing to respond in a positive way when they can comprehend the purpose behind their actions. The other challenge [...]
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Real-Life Examples Of How Businesses Are Adopting VR Technology
Real-Life Examples Of How Businesses Are Adopting VR Technology It doesn’t seem all that long ago since businesses made the transition to digital technology. Yet the next phase of the technological revolution in the workplace is already picking up pace rapidly; virtual reality (VR) simulators. VR technology has been slow to break into the commercial [...]
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Learn Maths Online – A Berry Good Game To Play!
Lockdown changed the world in which we live. Social distancing and isolating at home also meant for many of us, combining home-working with home-schooling. This was a real challenge for us here at Sliced Bread, as the first few weeks of lockdown was filled with frantic activity completing projects, with our team spread out over [...]
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Employees Crave Technology To Keep Them Engaged In The Workplace
It is estimated that 75% of the UK workforce will be millennials and Gen Z by 2025. These tech-centric age groups are already changing the way we work, and place unprecedented demands on employers. Whilst the media portray millennials as the most problematic generation for employers, that is not necessarily the case. A report published by PwC suggests [...]
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5 Tips To Quickly Creating Animation
The 3D animation industry is becoming increasingly popular and firms are crying out for skilled animators. There are numerous opportunities for outsourcing, employment, revenue generation, and business growth. However, in order to make a career or an animation project profitable, animators have to be skilled in creating high-quality animation fast. Respectable animators should aim for [...]
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How to host a Unity project for browser support
It is said that creating and developing a game takes a whole village, but getting your game in front of players does not have to be an equally arduous task. There are a number of options for self publishing games with Unity3D. Getting player feedback as quickly as possible is vital for the game iteration [...]
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User Onboarding in VR
Imagine opening your eyes to find yourself behind the controls of an aircraft, with no clue as to what any of the lights, buttons, and switches mean or do. Yet there they are, blinking, waiting to respond to your inputs even though you do not know what is expected of you. Now imagine another scenario [...]
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Creating Animation For Multiple Use Cuts The Cost
Animated videos are increasingly surfacing across the internet. They appear on client websites and the multitude of social media platforms. It’s also fair to say animation is a favourite medium for corporations to make their internal communications more engaging. This is the beauty of animated videos. They are highly flexible and can be used in multiple [...]
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Does AI Have Creative Potential?
Scientists developing artificial intelligence (AI) are quick to point out that teaching computers to be creative is a different methodology to how the human mind can be inventive. On the flip side, German artist, Mario Klingemann says “Humans are not original.” We typically find inspiration from what has been created in the past. The question on [...]
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How To Create Connection And Empathy Through Animation
When I was a little boy I preferred to watch cartoons than children's TV programs with adults in. I much rather preferred to tune into the cartoon town of Trumpton and watch Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew and the boys than Floella Benjamin or John Craven. Animation has the power to hold children spellbound - and [...]
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E-Learning Content And Management Systems
We have an extensive history and understanding of e-learning and animation production. We know how important it is to breakdown the requirements and deliver them economically without compromising quality. We work fast and smart to deliver measurable results on time and on budget, ensuring each client receives exceptional and cost effective creative digital learning content. [...]
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How Elearning Can Improve Productivity In The Workplace
E-learning has been tipped to be a breakthrough for productivity. For employees to have a source they can turn to at the touch of a button enables them to learn quicker without interrupting other team members.
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Playblast and Render, do you know the difference?
There are lots of processes within an animation production pipeline, but 2 processes that seems to make heads turn with confusion is knowing the difference between a Playblast and a Render. Do you know the difference?
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Production Process – Medical MoA Animation
Ever wondered the process on how a Medical Mechanism-of-Action (MoA) Animation is created? Are you interested in developing a Medical MoA? Sliced Bread ‘Step by Step Process’ will guide you in the right direction on how to understand and achieve your desired idea.
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The Benefits of Using Animation for Training
There are as many ways to implement a training program as there are things to train—but not all are equally effective. Animation is an extremely efficient, effective, and enjoyable tool for teaching. Find out why here!
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