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The 5 Key Benefits of Adaptive Learning and Scenario Training
Read more on why game-based learning supports improving learner outcomes.
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Valuable Insights From A Successful Storytelling Workshop
In the heart of London, where the business ecosystem is as diverse and competitive as ever, standing out requires more than just innovation - it requires a compelling story. Imagine explaining your business at a high-stakes meeting. You have only a couple of minutes to convey the essence of what you do. You stick to [...]
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Enhancing Healthcare With Medical Animation & VR: From Drug Mechanisms to Surgical Training
Medical animation can serve several important purposes in the healthcare field. It can show how a drug functions inside the body, what happens during surgery or an imaging study, how diseases form, and how to perform self-care after surgery. Using medical animation provides some crucial benefits, including demonstrating pharmaceutical efficacy and explaining potentially gruesome procedures [...]
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HAPPIE Haptics For Innovate UK – VR Tactile Feedback
Introduction Haptic Authoring Pipeline for the Production of Immersive Experiences, or HAPPIE for short, was an Innovate UK funded Research and Development project that Sliced Bread Animation was more than excited to tackle in the later months of 2019 through to 2021. The aim of the research was to build projects that would give a [...]
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Using Gamification In Interactive E-learning
Gamification is a visually engaging and creative tool used in e-learning that enables you to introduce new employees to your company training program. It can also be used for ongoing training and making your internal comms more engaging. With hybrid models likely to become the standard for the vast majority of businesses in the post-pandemic [...]
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How To Create a PDF Certificate in Articulate Storyline
This is a tutorial to help support the output of a PDF certificate using Articulate Storyline. Articulate 360 is a holistic suite of interconnected applications for one’s e-learning needs. From authoring, to sourcing assets, to training and collaborating. These apps include Storyline, Studio and Content Library 360. This tutorial will be focusing on Storyline, but [...]
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Struggling To Create High Volume E-learning Content? Animation Can Help!
Animation is becoming increasingly widespread in online learning. The benefits of animation in eLearning environments is well documented; animated content is fun, engaging, motivational and enhances memory recall. With Covid-19 forcing school children and university students to study from home, teachers are finding it difficult to keep on top of the amount of content they need [...]
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Learn Maths Online – A Berry Good Game To Play!
Lockdown changed the world in which we live. Social distancing and isolating at home also meant for many of us, combining home-working with home-schooling. This was a real challenge for us here at Sliced Bread, as the first few weeks of lockdown was filled with frantic activity completing projects, with our team spread out over [...]
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How To Create Connection And Empathy Through Animation
When I was a little boy I preferred to watch cartoons than children's TV programs with adults in. I much rather preferred to tune into the cartoon town of Trumpton and watch Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew and the boys than Floella Benjamin or John Craven. Animation has the power to hold children spellbound - and [...]
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E-Learning Content And Management Systems
We have an extensive history and understanding of e-learning and animation production. We know how important it is to breakdown the requirements and deliver them economically without compromising quality. We work fast and smart to deliver measurable results on time and on budget, ensuring each client receives exceptional and cost effective creative digital learning content. [...]
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Playblast and Render, do you know the difference?
There are lots of processes within an animation production pipeline, but 2 processes that seems to make heads turn with confusion is knowing the difference between a Playblast and a Render. Do you know the difference?
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Engaging Youth With VR Training
As the old axiom indicates, youth are the future of industry. But what will the world look like in years to come if today’s companies cannot engage the decision-makers of the future?
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