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Level-Up Employee Learning With Gamification
Today’s workforce often lacks the time for complex, time-consuming training sessions. After all, by the time employees catch up on email, read the company newsletter, converse with colleagues on Slack, and participate in a few Microsoft Teams or Zoom calls, it’s more or less time to call it a day. How do businesses find time [...]
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Increase Engagement: Elevate Your E-Learning With Effective, AI-Driven Gamification
Personalised Training With AI: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to tailor training programs has allowed trainees to personalise employee training programs. As e-learning technologies and applications evolve, AI-powered training models are becoming increasingly learner-centric. Personalised training with AI is expected to revolutionise employee training initiatives in corporate settings. Machine learning in gamified systems [...]
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Accessible E-learning: Ensuring Inclusivity in Your Training Programs
Accessibility is important - everyone deserves to feel included in a workplace, regardless of any physical or mental differences with their colleagues. However historically only the most able are considered. So how can we change for the better? And how can e-learning perform a key role? Ensuring your workplace is inclusive and making your employees [...]
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Types of Gamification to Drive Results in Your Workplace
Gamification is synonymous with e-learning and offers plenty of benefits to the table. But how can businesses practically apply the features that game mechanics offer to ensure you reap the rewards? In this article, we’re going to walk you through how gamification enhances e-learning platforms and how to choose game mechanics that will improve your [...]
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Confused About Gamification? You Might Already be Using it.
Gamification is fast becoming the golden egg for enhancing productivity and collaboration in the workplace. You may already be using it in your office. But what does the term ‘gamification’ actually mean and how can you apply game mechanics in your company? What does ‘gamification’ mean? The term "gamification" was coined in 2002 by Nick [...]
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E-Learning in Education: The Origins of Gamification in Learning
E-learning and gamification are growing in popularity. With a generation of workers raised using gamification and interactivity in school classrooms, it makes sense for the trend to sweep into the corporate world. E-learning, or online learning, uses digital tools as a teaching platform. Today students largely consume educational content on computers, tablets and smartphones. And [...]
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Learning by Doing: Why Is Retention The Goal In E-learning and Training Courses?
Retention is a key factor to consider when creating e-learning and training courses. But what does retention mean, and why is retention so important? What is retention? The Cambridge English dictionary defines retention as: “The continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone”. When you apply this definition to e-learning and training, retention essentially [...]
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E-Learning Solutions: A Deep Dive into Gamification For Learning
You may have heard phrases like interactive e-learning, gamification for learning and gamified training thrown around when discussing the ever developing education industry. However, do you know what these terms mean? With all of the apps, websites, virtual workstations and online spaces constantly being updated and integrated into our daily life, it's hard to know [...]
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Why AR Could Be Your Next E-learning Solution
Do you work at a company that handles complex information, or deals with specific and difficult to understand subject matter? Most industries have intricacies that can be extremely hard to convey, and in many cases, finding the correct way is still elusive. Augmented reality could be the solution. Unlike virtual reality, where the user is [...]
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Gamification In The Workplace: Enhancing Collaboration and Productivity
What does the word ‘work’ mean to you? Data entry? Medical appointments? Emergency services? Teaching? NASA astronaut? (OK… unlikely. But you never know.) Whatever your place of work, ‘fun’ and ‘games’ are probably not concepts that immediately spring to mind. It’s a long-held, not-often-spoken, almost universally-accepted truth about the postmodern work/life paradigm (The Muse): free [...]
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Level Up Your Hiring With Gamification In Talent Acquisition
In August 2004, Google (anonymously) placed a billboard over Highway 101 in Silicon Valley. The billboard read, in stark, unbranded, black and white script: ‘{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com.’ The answer – of course – is 7427466391.com. People who followed the trail this far were met with another equation. Having beaten this [...]
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Gaming Culture – Utilising Game Mechanics to Enhance Your Learning and Development
Gamification has been a phrase thrown around in corporate e-learning and training space for many years, with organisations using it to create more engaging and interactive training for their employees, however, most gamified learning continues to be nothing more than a multiple choice quiz, and some digital content. The gaming industry is immense; the board [...]
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How to Use Gamification to Motivate Employees
It’s no secret that engaged employees are motivated employees. Moreover, job satisfaction drives productivity and profits. Surveys show that a happy workforce produces higher levels of performance, less absenteeism and better employee retention. The key question for businesses is how to keep your employees motivated to work for your company. With advancements in technology, and [...]
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Top 5 Benefits of VR Training In Business Learning
Immersive VR training can be used to construct riskless environments, accelerate onboarding processes, and vastly improve ROI; and yet, only just over a quarter of all businesses are currently using VR to train employees (Finances Online). At Sliced Bread Animation, we've developed a number of high-quality VR training projects for our clients, helping to create [...]
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The Science of Gamification: Does it Really Increase Engagement?
No matter your sector or industry, engaging your users is the first step on the path to success; fail to inspire, captivate and arrest people, and any subsequent efforts to make sales (or even be noticed) will be in vain - or, at least, significantly hindered. Our modern world is populated by human beings, consumers [...]
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Can Storytelling In Games Help Improve Mental Health?
To those who don’t play video games, the concept might seem strange. Video games appear to be just another way to waste time, however a huge amount of the gaming industry is driven by storytelling. Just like books and films, many games tell in depth, complex and emotional stories, with games such as The Last [...]
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What Is SCORM And Why Is It So Important In E-Learning?
As the e-learning industry continues to grow, there is a broader range of authoring tools and learning management systems for e-learning content creators to choose from and more courses for students to invest in themselves. This can only be a good thing, right? In essence, yes. More choice means companies creating e-learning courses and modules [...]
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The Importance of Emotions In The Learning Process
Virtual reality, animation and gamification are the stand-out performers in digital learning environments. Whilst these relatively new technologies are not ubiquitously established tools across the board - yet - researchers agree that the emotional provocation they offer can significantly enhance learning. The fact of the matter is that immersive technologies make experiences feel real. This [...]
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How AR Training Tools Support Fun Informative Learning?
The adoption of augmented reality (AR) as a corporate training tool is proving to be an effective approach. AR fosters faster learning, helps to improve soft skills, optimises workflow, reduces training material, saves time and enhances engagement. AR training tools in a corporate environment can be executed via a mobile device such as a smartphone [...]
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Haptic VR – Car Engine Assembly Production
With several years of commercial e-learning projects designed and developed for virtual reality devices, Sliced Bread Animation has taken a look to further build on this knowledge-base by adding haptic and force feedback aspects to e-learning experiences. In relation to the technology world, haptic feedback encapsulates every device that provides a sensation of digital touch. [...]
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How To Create a PDF Certificate in Articulate Storyline
This is a tutorial to help support the output of a PDF certificate using Articulate Storyline. Articulate 360 is a holistic suite of interconnected applications for one’s e-learning needs. From authoring, to sourcing assets, to training and collaborating. These apps include Storyline, Studio and Content Library 360. This tutorial will be focusing on Storyline, but [...]
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How To Create Compelling And Addictive Digital Learning Content
Let’s not disguise the fact: e-learning content can be about exciting as a rice cracker. You may be wondering, therefore, how we have the audacity to make the bold claim advertised in the title of this article. Truth be told, we have a few tricks up our sleeves that might interest you. It appears the biggest barrier [...]
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Struggling To Create High Volume E-learning Content? Animation Can Help!
Animation is becoming increasingly widespread in online learning. The benefits of animation in eLearning environments is well documented; animated content is fun, engaging, motivational and enhances memory recall. With Covid-19 forcing school children and university students to study from home, teachers are finding it difficult to keep on top of the amount of content they need [...]
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Engaging Youth With VR Training
As the old axiom indicates, youth are the future of industry. But what will the world look like in years to come if today’s companies cannot engage the decision-makers of the future?
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Is Employee Wellbeing Important For Success?
In recent years, a spate of digital healthcare apps have been introduced to help HR officials manage the health and wellbeing of employees. This new breed of wellness apps are not only designed to deliver benefits for employees, but also employers. Can VR and AR impact wellbeing of employees and others?
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Can You Integrate VR Into Your LMS?
Integrating virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies into learning management systems (LMS) gives businesses an opportunity to measure the capability of employees and identify where improvements can be made. Do you know how many benefits there are when integrating VR/ AR with a LMS?
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What Can VR Do For Your Business?
Putting VR technology to practical business use provides advantages that have never been available in the past. And because the technology is so versatile, you can produce anything your imagination allows you to. Or in other words, whatever environment you need to help your business thrive.
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Experience API: The Advanced eLearning Tool To Increase Engagement
Corporate training is moving into the eLearning space, it is not always easy for trainers to easily identify areas of weaknesses in employees. However, with advanced tools that can track quantifiable data on dedicated training platforms – such as Experience API – trainers and trainees will achieve much more, much faster.
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