How animation can improve your SEO

When you are looking into the best channels to market your business, there is no denying that SEO has to be taken seriously. But is your business making the most of one of the effective elements out there today to improve your SEO?

It’s all in the visuals. Let’s look at the stats…

An infographic featuring a computer monitor surrounded by circular icons representing various video-related statistics. infographic about the benefits of videos on a website

A whopping one third of internet usage is now video consumption! And when it comes to utilizing this for business, animation is the key. It’s versatile, creative and the perfect way to communicate your message quickly.

The presence of a superior animation shows quality. And as part of a vibrant media mix on your site shows search engines that your site is enriched with great media content. As consumers demand more video content from their online usage, search engines will rank your website higher when it features an animation video. Once your animation is online, it’s time to get sharing!

A recent survey found that Facebook users are 39% more likely to share, 36% more likely to comment, and 56% more likely to “like” an online video over a text only article. And getting more people to like or view your video is a positive signal to search engines of the value of your content. This will increase the likelihood of your snazzy new animation being found and driving traffic to your site.

EBRD Explainer Animation Trailer SEO, 3D characters standing around a table with a speech bubble above them displaying a handshake

So using animation will only continue to grow in popularity and accessibility for your consumers. Consumers like visual content such as videos and animation. They like them, use them and remember them. Which makes it the perfect component to add into your marketing strategy when it comes to SEO. With 73% of executives using video content as part of their marketing strategy reporting a positive effect on ROI, it’s only good news for your animation investment. And without it, it will become increasingly difficult to stay on top in the battle for online attention.

Or if you are thinking about using animation on your website to improve your search engine optimization, drop us an email at or give us a call on +44 (0)207 148 0526.

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