How Elearning Can Improve Productivity In The Workplace

A business is only as good as its employees. The quality and rate of output converts into profits and the potential growth of the company. However, attempts to improve productivity have failed.

A report by Robert Gordon of Northwestern University claims the productivity of many companies is weak because they are using outdated business methods and procedures.

Strategies such as open-plan offices that were supposed to enhance collaboration and increase output did the opposite. Automation tools are also failing to meet productivity goals.

Elearning has been tipped to be a breakthrough for productivity. For employees to have a source they can turn to at the touch of a button enables them to learn quicker without interrupting other team members.

In a nutshell, elearning bridges the gap for employees that lack the knowledge and skills to hit productivity targets.

A study performed by researchers in Malaysia concluded that elearning “is no just a good idea, but it is necessary.”

E-learning Illustration - Man Holding Tablet Device with icons of a chart, head with cogs, book, audience with play button and magnifying glass

Boost Employee Engagement

One of the main reasons employees fail to meet the productivity levels is because they are bored and easily distracted. When people do not have an interest in the subject matter they do not learn easily.

Improving skill sets in traditional training environments has proven to be inadequate. One of the reasons cited for failed training programs is because people don’t want to be there.

Furthermore, employees rarely follow-up their training with revision because wading through a file of papers feels like they are wasting time. This invites stress. Asking their colleague is much easier but ultimately less productive for the business.

Elearning compels employees to find information they need for themselves. Incorporating visual content such as videos, animation, infographics and images is also more engaging if the content is designed to be entertaining as well as educational.

Improves Memory Recall

The human brain processes visual data easier than other formats and because elearning is predominantly visual it’s easier for employees to recall information.

The use of videos and animation on elearning platforms also encourages ‘microlearning’ which has been found to increase engagement and aid knowledge retention.

Elearning tools enable trainers to include a variety of different content that helps staff retain information. Interactive elements, gamification and quizzes have been shown to increase memory recall.

Flexible Learning

The flexibility of elearning platforms makes it easier for part-time staff or mother’s that have to leave work early to collect their offspring from school. Conventional training programs are not always convenient for employees, managers or trainers.

Managers have to adapt targets to account for missed hours, employees have to rearrange their schedule and trainers have to secure a classroom either on-site or off-site.

The logistics and costs of arranging staff training can be a drain on resources. All these issues are avoided with elearning platforms because training materials can be accessed at any time.

Colourful Map of land and islands with '#LOVED' Above it for Takeda Hub


Training materials created for elearning is designed to be delivered through computers and tablets. Courses can be easily customised to suit the needs of your business, but also the learning needs of employees such as Sliced Bread’s Teachers First education program which we developed for the Ministry of Education and Technical Education and is now part of the Egyptian Learning Society Program to support Education 2.0 Strategy.

It’s no secret that people have different ways of learning. Some employees learn better though gamification whilst others will retain information better by completing an evaluation exercise.

For example, the Learning Management System we developed for Risk Advisory incorporated 3D animation with a voiceover. The course records the progress of each delegate so that progress and results can be assessed and the appropriate feedback given to trainees.

The ability to personalise learning experiences for individuals makes it easier for trainers to assess which training methods employees respond to the most. This gives companies and advantage moving forward.

Personal elearning environments are supportive of lifelong learning and can speed up the learning curve of employees far quicker than traditional in-person training.

The time saved training individuals can be spent putting the knowledge and skills into practice and thus enabling new starters to contribute to the productivity of the business.

Reduced Cost

Elearning is less expensive than most traditional training methods. It’s also scalable thus enabling relevant content to be rolled out across various departments.

A report investigating the Value of Training published by IBM found online training can positively impact employee retention rates and save recruitment costs. The company also reveals they were able to deliver five times as much training for a third of the cost – a saving of US$200 million.

IBM is not alone in championing online learning. The benefits elearning offers have prompted a reported 40 per cent of Fortune 500 companies to invest in online learning tools.

Elearning tools demonstrate to employees that companies are prepared to invest in their training and development. As a result, individuals feel empowered and focused. What’s more, when they have access to information instantly, they improve their knowledge in just a few clicks. All this leads to a marked increase in productivity.

Are you are thinking of incorporating elearning into your training programme? Drop us an email at or give us a call on +44 (0)207 148 0526

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