Get your Marketing Moving with Kinetic Typography Animation

Okay, it’s safe to say we are firm believers in the potential of animation in your marketing mix. However, when it actually comes to designing your animation, how do you know what works best for your business?

This week, we’ve been exploring the different types of animation we can create for your business, how they work and how they can be integrated into your campaign.

First up, it’s kinetic typography!

And yes, it’s just another fancy marketing word people like to use, but basically as you have probably guessed, it means ‘moving text’.

Kinetic typography is a really simple, yet effective way to use animation in a marketing campaign as it is just so thoroughly engaging – using often very minimal means like this elegant and super slick example commissioned by Apple

Text 'as with all matters of the heart' against a solid white background

Kinetic typography is the art of making language visible. There are two types of kinetic typography, and they are distinguished as follows:

‘Motion typography’, which changes the relation of the text elements to each other, by shifting and rotating  them in 2D or 3D space, and ‘fluid typography’, which means a change of the letter’s shape into something else, without necessarily changing location.

Both can create associations or transitions that are interesting or clever, making the word into the image itself. By emphasising certain content kinetic typography can help convey tone and emotion and create a unique visual where none exists.

Another great example of using this effectlively, was when McDonald’s launched thier Little Tasters menu a few years ago. This type of kinetic typography has become hugely popular in marketing businesses online in the last two years. Watch it here.

Text 'enormously enjoyable' against a solid blue background

Using animated text is a great way if voice over is not an option and the video has to convey the message without sound. Different language versions can be created by simply swapping the text as we’ve proven in some previous project of ours – this video was adapted in arabic as well.

stylised sitting character tapping information into an i-pad, text in shelves with books "Tap in your details"

They say actions speak louder than words, but it’s safe to say that when those words are quite literally put into action, there’s no limit to the emotional connection you can get from them. Not to mention continued engagement throughout the video piece.

Need we say anymore? Learn more about how we can bring your words to life and drop us an email at or give us a call on +44 (0)207 148 0526

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